Mission and Relief & Rehabilitation Departments

The main objective of the Mission Department is to send the workers to harvest field. The Scripture says that the harvest is more and the workers are few. Mission and evangelism is our first priority as we are saved by His grace. We are not saved by the works we have done, but by His grace alone. Every human being deserve that same Grace of God in this world. Our main focus is to reach out the Gospel to the nations through many tracks so that they may know Jesus Christ and be saved. Nothing more could we do than sharing the love of God and His salvation. It is to expand the Kingdom of God and disciple them. There we carry out God's vision for every mankind through various means such as

  • Children ministry
  • Evangelical association
  • Youth ministry
  • Schools
  • Sunday schools

The poor and needy have in common from generation to generation. Therefore, the Relief & Rehabilitation Department offers the assistance personally as well as for the group of people according to the genuineness of the situation. Reaching out the love of Christ through deeds for others can impact the lives of the people. The churches take the initiative at the best to raise the funds through conducting faith offerings, freewill offerings, sales of products and many more. The funds or any materials we collect go to the people who are in need. It does not have the limited boundary or only for specific community, but we value the life of every individual from any community and find out our ways to help them. In fact, it is our great pleasure if we could show them love in action. The church give prior for love and move on with action.

We do emphasize the prayer for the upliftment of the those in pain, crying for help physically and mentally as it brings the assurance of love of God. Following are the some of the lists of people and their conditions we are agreed to help-

  • Poor and needy
  • Widows
  • Orphans
  • Sick and crippled
  • Any natural disaster
  • Conditions apply

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