Contact Us

United Churches' Assembly welcomes you if anyone would love to visit us, help us through your prayers, and donations for the extention of God's Kingdom. We trust you and we would try our best to do the best for you. You can join your hands without any hesitation with UCA. If you are willing to join our churches, you can attent in these churches and fellowships shown below.

Churches of UCA

A.dokgre Church,UCA, Baghmara Church UCA, Ripplengre Chuch UCA, Ganol A.pal Church UCA,Balikusi Church UCA, Ronjugre Church UCA, Bangalmura Church UCA, Babukona Church UCA, Ganolgre Church UCA

Gimegre Church  UCA, Bollonggitok Church UCA, Godalgre Church UCA, Siju Church UCA, Chitoktak Church UCA, Daram Church UCA, Sibbari Church UCA, Dalimbari Church UCA, Doba A.pal Church UCA, Dalu Church UCA

Egopara Church UCA, Williamnagar Church UCA, Dana A.du Church UCA, Shillong Church UCA, Rongara Church UCA, Sakware Church UCA, Aruakgre Church UCA, New Tura Church UCA, Rongjeng Church UCA 

And I tell you that you are Peter, and on this rock I will build my church, and the gates of Hades will not overcome it. 

Matthew 16:18 (NIV)

Fellowships of UCA

Wa.ram A.simgre Fellowship UCA, Wa.ram Songma Fellowship UCA, Te.bronggre Fellowship UCA, Dadenggre Fellowship UCA, Ringge A.pal Fellowship UCA, Oragitok Fellowship UCA, To.sekgre Fellowship UCA, Sanchanggre Fellowship UCA, Debaragre Fellowship UCA, Chambalgre Fellowship UCA, Rabhagre Fellowship UCA, Katongre Fellowship UCA, Matchokgre Fellowship UCA, Selsela Fellowship UCA, Mohorgre Fellowship UCA, Na.walgre Fellowship UCA, Rong.betgre Fellowship UCA, Chisakgre Fellowship UCA, Galwangre Fellowship UCA, Romba Songgital Fellowship UCA, Chokpot Warimagre Fellowship UCA, Silki Chidabetgre Fellowship UCA

Telekari Fellowship UCA, Josipara Fellowship UCA, Bansamgre Fellowship UCA, Rangmal Badim Fellowship UCA, Bolmoram Fellowship UCA, Nokchel Rabha Fellowship UCA, Do.rengtip Fellowship UCA, Kongkil Fellowship UCA, Dame A.pal Fellowship UCA, Chidaret Fellowship UCA, Mongpangro Fellowship UCA, Chiwate Fellowship UCA, Soenang Fellowship UCA, Balkol Ga.betgre Fellowship UCA, A.chotchonggre Fellowship UCA, Dingrepa Fellowship UCA, Sallingre Fellowship UCA, Te.kagre Fellowship UCA, Nambatpara Fellowship UCA, Salbari (Pedaldoba) Fellowship UCA, Nayapara Fellowship UCA, Sualmari Fellowship UCA, Balmuri Fellowship UCA

Cha.kodam Fellowship UCA, Chigisim Fellowship UCA, Ka.san Kona Fellowship UCA, Bajong Line A.ding Fellowship UCA, Gondagre Fellowship UCA, Me.milam (A.dokgre)  Fellowship UCA, Mandu (A.dokgre) Fellowship UCA, Il.dek A.kong (A.dokgre) Fellowship UCA, Bombrapatar Fellowship UCA, Beltola-Guwahati Fellowship UCA, Naranggi-Guwahati Fellowship UCA, Gitagiri-Guwahati Fellowship UCA, Pilangkata- Guwahati Fellowship UCA, Rani-Guwahati Fellowship UCA, Jalpaiguri Fellowship UCA, Tainang Fellowship UCA, Mongmabel Fellowship UCA, Rongchengpal Fellowship UCA, Chibe Model Gittim Fellowship UCA, Soragre Fellowship UCA, Cherangre Fellowship UCA

You may send the requests for the leaders, pastors and evangelists if you are pleased to invite to your church.  

For any queries and help, you can contact us on the address given below 

Address: United Churches' Assembly (UCA), Chitoktak, Tura 794001

Phone: 8014948570

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