Welcome to United Churches' Assembly (UCA), Tura, Meghalaya

United Churches' Assembly (UCA) was established in the year 1998 after revival broke out in different parts of Garo Hills. This church is built base on the living Word of God and one of the protestant denominations. The title itself contains how different fellowships or churches work in unity in order to accomplish the work God has entrusted to every believer in Christ Jesus. We welcome every image of God regardless of their life to the Kingdom of God. This ensures the salvation of every human being by bringing them to the Jesus Christ who alone can save us from the sin. 

Youth after church

United Churches' Assembly seeks the transformation of those who are living in the darkness to light.This church does not only confine to Garo Hills but pleased to reach out all over the world with the guidance of the Holy Spirit. It aims to carry out the light to the needy souls by proclaming the Gospel of Jesus Christ. The people who mostly involved in this particular church belongs to Garo community. 

 Prayer Timings

Every Saturday (General)

Every Thursday evening (Youth Power hour)

Every Tuesday & Wednesday evening (Youth Trek prayer)

Every evening (Women's prayer)

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Service Timings

Chitoktak Church, UCA (Chitoktak, Tura)  {10:30 AM-1:30 PM (Garo)}

Shillong Church UCA, (Malki, Shillong)  {9:30 AM-11:15 PM (English), 11:30 AM-2:00 PM (Garo), 2:30-4:00 PM (Hindi)}

The Word of God plays the key role in the church of God. It is to nourish the spiritual needs of every human being. We also respond for the basic physical needs of the people which is done with love. We focus on blessing others, as Christ has done so much for us by dying on the cross for us.  Would you like to bless others?

Worship is all about surrendering ourselves before the King. Indeed, it brings one's heart closer to God's heart. The reason we live is to worship Him, the Creator of you and I. There's no any reason to ask for why do we need to worship Him. We worship because He deserves it. We as a church conduct worship services anytime as per the calender of the church in different places including Sunday services. You are most welcomed to join with us the rest of times adding to your time spent with God all of your days. 

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