Women's Wing

Women's Wing was established with a vision and mission to encounter the very need of every women within God's Kingdom. Here, we attempt our best to bring every woman believer into God's family. Women in Indian society are considered as incapables, weak, lesser than man and the root of evil. As we say that, this conception far back from the ancient times still prevails not only in the Indian society but occupy the minds of the Christian people too. There then the spirit of inferiority, unchallenging minds capture every woman. As a result, this brings the hindrances for the growth of the society, a challenge for the Christian households, gap of women leadership, teachers and in different areas. Therefore, the church offer a very good idea to educate them in different aspects of life base on the Scripture. We believe that all around the world different women associations for the betterment of the society has been established and serves well until today. So, this is our pleasure with hope to introduce our Women's Wing to support another woman how to live a life in godly way. The assurance of radical changes or prosperity are given through the Word of God. This is how we step out to change the world. God has made everyone with purpose and capabilities. The precious and beautiness of every woman in the image of God is shown for one another under this wing. It is to empower them in Christ Jesus and show them who they are in Christ Jesus.


"A wife of noble character who can find? She is worth far more than rubies". Proverbs 31:10

Women's department play the key role in interceding for the society.

We teach the younger and older woman to be a woman with beauty and

  • To love others
  • To respect man
  • To be hospitable and supportive
  • To be hardworking
  • Child rearing
  • Brave
  • Kind and generous
  • Understanding and patient
  • To fear God and prayerful

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