
History of the United Churches' Assembly (UCA), has a long way to go. The study of how it came into being may give you the joy as well as the sadness. But we assure the joy in the Lord by seeing the fruit that has been borne until today in God's kingdom. 


God put a burden on some Garo students who studied in different parts of India after they came to know Christ and initiated prayers and organised themselves to evangelize for the people during 1960s. And they formed an association called A·chik Evangelical Association (AEA) on 29th December, 1987.

During the 1990s, AEA started to witness the word of God in different parts of Garo Hills. The powerful witnesses impacted then the lives of the people. People started to accept Christ as their Saviour and encounter Him personally. They grew in their faith and the revival spread more and more in different places of Garo Hills. Then it became the big issue in ABDK (A·chik Baptist Dal·gipa Krima).

The believers were ex-communicated from the church for their faith and many persecutions came along. This in fact, brings the heavy laden for the leaders of the church.

Inspite of this crisis situation they kept their faith in God and waited to re-unite with ABDK. The leaders did not take any immediate decision to form other denomination even after the excommunication but many letters were written to ABDK and meetings were held several times. Lastly, correspondence was sent to Asian Baptist Federation (A.B.F) and Council of Baptist Churches in North East India (CBCNEI).  Adding to this, they wrote even to Garo Baptist Convention. In all of these, there was no good response for coming together again.  Lastly, ABDK declared that AEA would no longer work within ABDK. The situation did not stop though the faith of people, and they patiently waited for God’s answer. They waited for the proper response for seven years with prayer. Meanwhile, on 13th September 1997, they held a fasting prayer and the meeting were successfully finished. The congregation was formed on 9th December 1997. Subsequently, on 24th January 1998, in Step by Step school, three pastors are ordained by Rev. Rikkim from Nagaland. Amen.

Then, the name United Churches’ Association (now Assembly) was declared in the year 1998, 28th March in Williamnagar  Penuel, AEA (A.chik Evangelical Association) EC meeting.  They all praised God for His perfect response. 

First Executive Members of UCA

  • President
    Rev. Dr. C. J. M Sangma, Resubelpara
  • Vice President
    Mr. Jim N Sangma, Baghmara
  • General Secretary
    Mr. Fring Goldsmith R Marak, Williamnagar
  • Jt. Secretary
    Mr. Ronjing A Sangma , Raksamgre
  • Finance Secretary
    Pst. Petterson Sangma, Adokgre
  • Treasurer
    Pst. Jitterson M Sangma, Baghmara
  • Member
    Mr. Wailence A Sangma, Williamnagar
First Executive UCA
Issue of marriage

First evangelisation in
Garo Hills

The first missionaries and evangelists arrived in Garo Hills were the people from abroad called American Baptist Missionaries. Today this is the biggest church in Garo Hills, Goalpara, Kamrup and Khasi Hills.  This is called A·chik Baptist Dal·gipa Krima or ABDK. In the beginning, the leaders served God in fear of Him and with commitment. Fasting prayers, covenant meetings and Bible studies were conducted for the growth of believers.  Gradually, it started to grow slow and the false teachings arises like if anyone does not give membership fund, life fund and budgets, if anyone do not participate in church social works, they would not be saved. The committed believers served faithfully for several years within the roof until 1980s. They themselves made the way for evangelism for unbelievers with own financial support and the like.  Many kinds of ungodly life increased in people. Yet both the leaders of the church and government leaders failed to preach the truth. Therefore, in order to bring back the environment of truth of Jesus Christ and its power in

churches and the society, some believers began to reach out the truth. These believers had faced many unforgettable situations in their ministry.  “Those who go out weeping, carrying seed to sow, will return with songs of joy, carrying sheaves with them." Psalms 126:6. As a result, many people’s eyes were opened and followers of Christ were increasingly added.  People started to read and study the Word of God and came to know the truth of His word.  The Bibles and Baptist manuals were sold for many as they began to read themselves. We believe if we teach the truth and if God’s Spirit resides in the hearts of the people, surely God works and He is always ready to work according to His promises. After many years, God dropped a thought in His people and they joined their hands together to form a ministry. Now, God has expanded His kingdom throughout Garo Hills.

They saw the need of an evangelism in North Eastern States like Assam, Nagaland, Tripura etc. and by the guidance of the Holy Spirit formed A·chik Evangelical Association on 29th December 1987.

According to the requirements of the Meghalaya government base on Registration of Societies Act XXII- 1860, AEA has been registered on 7th September 1989. Though AEA is not registered under FRCA Act, 1976, Section6 (1), they were permitted for some requests base on the same Act (1A). By their support the ministry has been carried out through establishing schools, charity works and so on. After the survey of non-believer areas, the Gospel is preached to them. This is how the souls have been added to God’s Kingdom. Mission fields and Bible Camps were organised by different departments and the people who taught the Word of God were just the lay men.  Today we owe for their great sacrificial ministry. Miracles and healings were the works of God. People who came to the meeting with different motives behind also accepted Jesus Christ as their personal Saviour. They came from far off places with hunger and thirst for the Word of God. Indeed the work of the Holy Spirit and great revival broke out during 1995. As a result, many people’s eyes were opened and followers of Christ have been increasingly added. 

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